Power Company Update 3/4/21

Since the last time you heard from us, there have been some important developments in the Isle au Haut power project.

●We have taken a step back to insure that the Power Company has thoroughly examined

all alternatives and that we are not assuming an undue amount of risk in developing this

project. We believe this approach will lead to the best possible outcome for the island

while causing only a minimal delay. It will also allow us to answer questions from island

residents and the Maine Public Utilities Commission.

● On February 17, we released an RFP inviting qualified bidders to bid on a combined

solar plus storage project for the island. We created the RFP in partnership with the US

Department of Energy Office of Electricity and Sandia National Labs. The services are

grant-funded and are provided at no cost to the Power Company.

● As part of our thorough approach to due diligence in accordance with practices

supported by the Maine Public Utilities Commission, we have launched a detailed

investigation into the cost and timing of repairing the submarine cable as well as the cost

and permitting requirements of replacing the existing power cable with a comparable

cable. A functioning cable is valuable with any solar system.

● A new heating system consisting of two air to water heat pumps and the potential for

thermal storage has been installed in the Town Hall, with five more heat pump units to

be installed around the island in the next few months.

● The board has added some new members. We now have 14 members, almost double

the size of the previous board. The purpose of these additions was to provide additional

support to the board and management at this important stage of the project.

● A more detailed notice will be sent to membership in a future billing. If you would like to

receive more information, please contact Bryan Carroll at manager@iahpower.org

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